B2B Consulting Services

Building and refining professional service businesses marketing plans with one to one coaching and consultancy
chris turton - b2b marketing expert


Good Planning


Understanding the core of our clients business and how and why customers choose them is imperative to our approach


Problem Solving


A personalised, customisable strategy meeting our clients goals 




Measureable results, refined, and delivered excellently

I Help Businesses

20+ Years of B2B Marketing Experience

After spending 15 years in digital marketing, Chris successfully launched and runs the amazon agency Ecommerce Intelligence in 2019. The business is now one of the leading digital marketing agencies focusing purely on Amazon after a 5 year strategy from scratch with no investment capital or external financial support in a highly competitive space, it generates over £1m a year and creates a continous flow of exciting clients

Using these tried and refined strategies means Chris can deliver cost effective strategies to help develop your marketing plan across multiple sectors from digital marketing, finance and accounting , AEC, legal, technology & Saas and much more, offering one to one coaching consultancy.

Strategic Vision

Chris goal is to bring clear actionable insights into every aspect of your marketing and sales strategy

Consultancy Industries

Financial & Accounting

Turning our clients into thought leaders and industry experts through social media and trust based metrics.

Digital Marketing

We uncover niches, refine offers and create unique product offerings to get ahead of the competition.


Building visibility and credibility for all legal firms from start-ups to large firms.


Updating architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) firms marketing programs to bring them into the 21st century

Tech and SaaS

Helping develop complex marketing challenges and remove friction from the funnel


Helping you to develop your ecommerce brand globally from visual identity in marketplaces too building better customer journeys

Case Studies

Ecommerce Intelligence

Ecommerce Intelligence grew from £0 to £1million per year revenue under Chris’s sales and marketing strategy with zero investment or borrowed capital.

The agency is now one of the leading Amazon agencies in the UK facing off many digital marketing leaders as competitors

Looking For A First-class

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I will share my expertise and knowledge to help your business attain goals.